Obnovujeme tradici Karlovarského business kotle!!
V pátek 25.11. se potkáme s našimi keynote speakery, partnery, zahraničními hosty a strávíme spolu den plný networkingu, workshopů a inspirace.
Akce bude v anglickém jazyce
Programme | Schedule
Friday 25th November 2022
08:30 | Check-in
09:00 | Welcome speech
09:30 | Key-note: Startup experience by Pavel Koenig - nvias
10:00 | Effective Networking - Workshop by Jana Havlíčková incl. Participants' pitches
11:00 | Coffee-break
11:15 | What's the I in JCI - international opportunities by Nele Buysmans
11:45 | Lunch
12:45 | Grow your business with JCI - by Jana Havlíčková
13:15 | JCI sandbox - fuck-ups in leadership - by Hana Kuboušková
14:15 | Coffee-break
14:45 | Speaker's introduction
- Nikola Al Haboubi Florianová
- David Matoušek
- Vít Musílek
- Paul Redetzky
15:30 | Panel discussion (45 mins)
16:30 | Company Visit - Hotel Thermal: How international film festival is hosted
17:30 | Evening Networking - dinner, drinks (self-pay)
Saturday 26th November 2022
08:00 | Breakfast for Thermal guests
10:00 | Company visit - Moser
Registrace: https://forms.gle/2WH1T2N4uUBsc8xo8